Day 24: Resting in Leon

What a perfect city in which to have a rest day, although I’m not certain I’d really call it a rest.  Such a vibrant place, and in the midst of the Festival of San Froilan, so even more to do and see!

One a Roman military garrison, Leon became the capital of the old kingdoms of Asturias and Leon, but was conquered and re-conquered by the Visigoth, Moor and Christian forces.  The ancient Roman walls stand in many places and separate the new from the old parts of this city.  The Real Basilica de San Isodoro how houses a hotel in one section (where I stayed), and is clearly Romanesque, while the Pulchra Leonina, the Cathedral of Leon is Gothic splendor.  The building in Plaza San Marcos became the headquarters of the Knights of the Order of Santiago and how houses the famous Parador hotel.  The Cathedral was built in the late 13th C, and is renowned for its 125 stained glass windows.  Descriptions won’t do justice, and the photos below barely do — it was awe-inspiring.

I had a text from Keith and Lynn (Brits I had met with Freddie way back in Bayonne), so we met for a coffee outside of the Cathedral this morning.  It’s quite fun to exchange stories from the Camino and even more interesting to see that we’ve met and walked with many of the same people.  From there I walked through the narrow cobble stone streets and the various craft vendors and performers in medieval attire. Ran into Johnny, Margey and Nadina in the streets so had some lunch before heading back to handle things like laundry and banking.  (You may be interested to know that I accomplished two things today using only Spanish – exchanging some big euro bills for smaller ones at the bank, and mailing some extra clothing home at the post office — thank you Rosetta Stone!)

Having some issues with photo upload — so one’s all we’ve got today!

Had a quick bite with Kim and Aussie Chris, who’s been laid up for 3 days with a terrible virus, and am happily back in my room and preparing for the next 15 days of walking.  309 km to go!

Leon Cathedralxxz

Leon Cathedral

  3 comments for “Day 24: Resting in Leon

  1. Erica
    October 3, 2014 at 1:37 am

    we’re on a similar laundry schedule. Me too today.

  2. Will
    October 3, 2014 at 3:46 pm

    Hello Lorrie,
    Well I have finally done it I am onto your blog. It is great, will have wait till I get home to read it all. I am in Astorga, washing done now off to explore the chocolate shops.
    London Bobs twin, Will

  3. Cathy
    October 3, 2014 at 6:54 pm

    Muy Bueno, Lorrie!

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