Another nice day in Brisbane. My event for the day — the Julie Andrews-directed production of My Fair Lady at the Queensland Arts Center! I had seen Dame Julie interviewed on a morning show just after it opened and immediately bought a ticket — it’s one of my favorite musicals and I thought there could be nothing better than to see a production directed by the original Eliza from 1956!
And it was delightful. Loverly actually. Brilliant acting. Gorgeous sets. Wonderful orchestra. I smiled through the entire show. And I tried to figure out how I knew every word to every song. I think my dad must’ve played the soundtrack a lot. Because it’s very much stuck in my head.
The walk to and from the arts district took me over the Victoria Bridge, which replaced the original Brisbane Bridge which had been built in 1865 when the population expanded and out-grew the ferries which had been the only way across the river. But only 2 years after opening the bridge, made of wood, succumbed to a woodworm infestation and collapsed. It was replaced and then floods took the replacement in the early 1920’s, but the abutment from that version was kept as a memorial. Now of course it’s a modern version, unlikely to suffer the effects of either of those problems.
I also walked through the historic government district, past the old Treasury Building (now a hotel with a statue of Queen Victoria out front), the Government House (now part of the campus of the University of Queensland), and Parliament House, completed in 1889. This building is opposite the City Botanical Gardens and was boasted to be superior to those of any of the Australian group. The juxtaposition of these buildings with the modern high rises continues to be a feast for the eyes.